Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25th

Today is my birthday - woo hoo - break out the party hats and the streamers!
Really though, I have been reminiscing about my life.

In my growing up years, I was a "good girl".  I got good grades, didn't skip school, didn't party.  I guess I was a nerd!  Most of my friends went to my church and my school.  I spent a lot of time with my family.  I was a daddy's girl.  Really a daddy's girl - my mom and I fought from the time I was 13 until I turned 18 and realized she really did know a thing or two.  I started community college on my 18th birthday.

In my early 20's I tried to be the person that I thought my friends wanted me to be.  I partied, I drank, I smoked.  I bought a new car and moved out of my parents house just because I could.  I dropped out of college because I could work full time and make good money.  I dated a few guys, endured a few heart breaks.  But my 20's were also when I met Rick and then became his wife.

My 30's were spent learning to be a mom.  Four of my children were born in this decade of my life.  I started out trying to be the mom and wife the books, the magazines and the Internet said I should be.  Who could ever live up to those standards?  Definitely not me! During these years I really grew as a person.  I began to rely more on God working in me than me working in me (darn selfishness).

My 40's are now.   I am more in love with my husband than ever before.  I am more relaxed in my parenting.  I am not sweating the small stuff - I am meeting it head on.  I don't feel the need for approval from others.  I am who I am - take it or leave it.  I'm happy with the experiences I have had - good and bad.  They have made me unique!

And - I got the most amazing birthday gift today - a new nephew!  I got to meet him when he was just a few hours old and he is beautiful.  Congrats Robb and Sara and big sister Riley!

Baby Griffin

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